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- Add: Fuyong in shenzhen city, guangdong province town of white stone mansion west industrial zone of A4
- Tel: 86-0755-27380299 27386566
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- Email: 136-0041-0733曾生
(1) the strength calculation formula
Type, the K coefficient of curvature,
F load;
C for the spring index C (also called wrapping), C = D2 / d;
T for spring material allowable torsional stress. Thus can calculate spring wire diameter d.
(2) the stiffness calculation formula
Type, n is the number of turns of the spring;
Shear modulus G for spring;
Lambda is spring deformation;
D2 in spring coil diameter;
Like the previous other symbolic significance.
(3) the stability calculation formula
In order to limit the spring load F less than buckling critical load Fcr. Generally take F = Fcr/(2 ~ 2.5), the critical load can be press type calculation
Fcr = CBkH0
Type in the CB for the unstable factor
Note: 1 - both ends fixed; 2 - fixed at one end; 3 - free rotation at both ends